Event First Aid
Red Horse Vale Community First Responders can provide fully insured First Aid support for events in South Warwickshire. We do this as a means of raising funds to support our Charitable Purposes which are: to provide trained, community based volunteer response to 999 emergency calls in partnership with West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS) and to provide CPR and Automatic External Defibrillation training to local communities.
All of the team who provide cover at events are qualified as a minimum in First Aid and our Responders hold the Ambulance Community First Responder qualification. Our events team have current experience in responding to genuine casualties in an operational environment.


We also provide CPR and Defibrillator training events on request. Contact us for more information. Ideally we would aim for at least 10 people at a training session to make the event viable.
Whilst we do not charge directly for these session, we are a Charity and as such welcome donations either on the night or via the PayPal Giving Fund site at any time. Without these donations we find it difficult both to provide the resources for volunteers to attend 999 calls on behalf of the Ambulance Service and also to resource these training sessions.